Frequently Asked Questions
Who does Halyard serve?
Halyard currently serves 30 adults living in Hyannis, MA
Adults over 21 years old
Primary diagnosis of learning disabilities
Self Medicating
Motivated to gain independence and live in the mainstream community
Responsible and trustworthy individuals
Socially compatible with other Halyard clients
What service areas are covered?
Life Organization (scheduling)
Transportation training and assistance
Money management and bill paying
Grocery shopping and meal planning
Supervision and assistance with house cleaning and laundry
Employment assistance
Social planning and support (mediations when helpful)
Halyard activities and trips
On call support 24 hours a day 7 days per week
How does Halyard work?
Families purchase or rent a home or condo (we will guide you to the areas that work best). Families provide the housing, Halyard provides the services and support. All housemates must be Halyard clients.
A Halyard agent oversees and executes all all of the supports offered for their client group (1-6 clients)
All agents use the structured Halyard materials and systems. They follow the Halyard philosophy of respecting all clients as independent adults while assisting to facilitate their daily living skills
Why does Halyard work?
The right balance of support and independence
Agents are directly accessible 24 hours a day by cell phone (primary agent 5 days per week and secondary agent 2 days per week)
Agents are empowered by having ownership of responsibility for all aspects of their client group needs (there are no cracks to fall through)
Effective ratios (6:1 max)
Strong relationships and communication between agents and clients and agents and families
Located in a community with employment, transportation and leisure activities readily available
Creative and realistic structures for clients
Family participation and support
All clients having a similar level of functioning allows for our programming to fit properly
No over programing leading to dependence
No under programing leading to frustrations and failure